I am an ex-Preacher and son of a Preacher who decided to abandon the New Testament teachings altogether (both Christian AND Messianic). Since then we began reaching out to others with the teachings of Rabbi Tovia Singer and others like him. In November of 2014, Rabbi Singer asked me to host a LIVE call-in Broadcast so that he could do Q&A…and so began the journey for TeNaK Talk!
This site’s shows range from the weekly Parsha, to counter-Missionary shows, Hebrew classes, Kosher kitchen, stories of people leaving the Xtian New Testament, and more…

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Our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith
This channel aims to provide the viewer, whether Jew or righteous gentile, a place of learning. Whether it be the weekly Torah Parsha (via Orthodox Rabbis), how to maintain a kosher kitchen (from the Orthodox perspective), the life of the Jewish and non-Jewish woman (with a female host and Orthodox teacher), learning elementary Biblical Hebrew to scholarly Biblical Hebrew, testimonies of EX-Christian Preachers and Teachers who left the New testament for Torah Judaism, and although the last in this line-up, DEFINITELY not the least: Why Jews will not and SHOULD not accept the Christian/Messianic New Testament.
Live Stream

Rabbi Tovia Singer
Rabbi Tovia Singer is the Director of the counter-missionary organization, Outreach Judaism. He is well known as the Founder and Director of Outreach Judaism, an international organization dedicated to countering the efforts of fundamentalist Christian groups and cults who specifically target Jews for conversion. As a world renowned public speaker, Rabbi Singer addresses more than 100 audiences a year.

Rabbi Michael Skobac
Write a brief bio here. Write a short bio here. Write a short bio here. Write a brief biography here. Write a brief bio here. Write a brief bio here. Write a brief bio here. Write a brief bio here.

Rabbi Stuart Federow
Rabbi Federow wrote counter missionary pamphlets in the 1980s. He also wrote the chapter, ‘Missionaries’ for the book, “Where We Stand: Jewish Consciousness on Campus,” edited by Allan L. Smith. On behalf of Jews for Judaism, he was the weekly guest host for a few years on the Jews for Judaism Chat on America OnLine. He taught a 12 week course, “Mission Control: How to Respond to the Efforts of Christian Missionaries,” at Houston’s J.C.C. He is the author of WhatJewsBelieve.org, CreenciaJudia.org, and the books, Judaism and Christianity: A Contrast, and Judaismo y Cristianismo: Un Contraste.

Rabbi Moshe Shulman
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Moreh Dayvaughn Mays
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Moreh Joseph Mova
Write a brief bio here. Write a short bio here. Write a short bio here. Write a brief biography here. Write a brief bio here. Write a brief bio here. Write a brief bio here. Write a brief bio here.